
Overhaul of the online development process

Written by Loihde Advance | 21.10.2016


LähiTapiola and Turva had a number of ongoing development projects which involved multiple customers and suppliers. There were always more development activities to be tackled and wishes to fulfill than they were able to deliver. In many cases, the same suppliers, staff and business experts were needed in multiple projects, leaving the projects competing against each other. With no clear priority between projects, the management and predictability of expectations, responding to changes, and the prioritization of activities was difficult. Also, getting a grasp of the big picture was challenging.

Facilitating the management of development programs called for a more agile operating model that would look at the big picture instead of resorting to point solutions, maximize the benefits using a business-driven prioritization, and increase the transparency of the development activities. Also, with the new operating model, the companies wanted to make sure that the solution would approach development from the operative perspective and with the business needs in mind.


The CAPO® model designed by Loihde was adapted in creating a new operating model for LähiTapiola and Turva to meet their needs. In the new operating model, all development projects are looked at as a whole. The whole is broken down into smaller development areas and projects that are then prioritized and tackled. Loihdes' nimble CAPO® model is employed in conducting the specification and solution design phases, keeping the eye on the big picture.

The CAPO® model was piloted in the network development area, which is responsible for all network service related requirements and the meeting thereof at LähiTapiola and Turva. A product owner was appointed for the network development area, and a CAPO® team consisting of business and ICT development experts. The product owner bears main responsibility for the prioritization, which the owner executes based on the broad development policies decided by the advisory board. Together with the product owner, the CAPO® team is responsible for the coordination of the development activities, for the sufficient level of specification, and for the progress of implementation and testing.


The new operating model brought changes into the ordering, processing, specification, and the general practices when executing development activities. Now the client is able to focus development investments in activities that yield the greatest business benefits. Development activities are conducted in sensible increments and in the right order. Predictability is now easier, the client is able to respond to changes faster, and transparency has improved. The new mode of operation has brought about a new, systematic environment of systematic development and cooperation, which has increased mutual understanding between the business and ICT development, thereby raising the quality of the end product. Those who participated in the pilot project have found the new operating model inspiring. Introduction of the CAPO® model has clarified the overall picture of the company's development work.

Based on the experiences gathered from the pilot, the operating model is being expanded to other development areas as well.

”The project achieved set goals, and working with the experts of Loihde was smooth and fruitful. Those of our staff who participated in the pilot were excited, spawning interest in the new operating model among people in other parts of our organization, too. We are in a good place to continue deploying it in our other development areas as well.” Hanna Asikainen, Development Manager, LähiTapiola.