
Loihde is the security technology partner of Minimani’s modern hypermarket

Written by Admin | 17.10.2022

Loihde produces security technology services for the retail chain Minimani’s hypermarkets.

In August 2020, Minimani had expanded to Rovaniemi and wanted Loihde to be their partner at their new hypermarket as well. At the new hypermarket, Loihde implemented comprehensive security technology solutions. The hypermarket uses Loihde’s burglar alarm, access control, audio and camera systems as well as time tracking and electronic article surveillance systems. In addition, the hypermarket has hearing aids and a voice alarm system from Loihde.

“It was important to us to get versatile, comprehensive and high-quality security systems in one place. It is also essential that the systems can be integrated with each other”, says Minimani Yhtiöt Oy’s Property Manager Pekka Haapanen.

Loihde joined Minimani’s Rovaniemi project about a year prior to the opening of the hypermarket. At that time, the actual planning started with questions regarding what kind of security technology solutions would be needed and how they would be implemented.

Seamless remote control and agile maintenance

In addition to Rovaniemi, Minimani has hypermarkets in Vaasa, Seinäjoki, Kokkola, Jyväskylä and Lempäälä as well as a nationwide online store. Haapanen is in charge of property matters at all six locations and mainly works from Vaasa, even if he does travel all over Finland between different markets. For this reason, the remote control and seamless maintenance of the services are central to daily operations.

“It is important that our partner can provide local support and maintenance. If, for example, an up-and-over door doesn’t work due to a locking malfunction, the maintenance personnel need to get there in a matter of minutes rather than hours. In addition to providing systems, an essential part of the service is ensuring maintenance and functionality. It is important that the systems are up-to-date and the solutions centralised”, Haapanen sums up.

When choosing business partners, the family-owned Minimani values companies that can operate at all of their hypermarkets, according to Haapanen. High quality and seamless upgrades are also essential factors.

“The cooperation with Loihde has been straightforward and easy. Through Loihde, we could implement a comprehensive solution by combining many bits and pieces. Also, different automations ensure smooth daily operations”, Haapanen says.

Trust is the foundation of long-term cooperation

Haapanen emphasises the importance of trust for successful cooperation. Besides having expertise, a security technology partner needs to have reliable operations and a view on how to implement things.

“We have to be able to trust that things will work in the future as well and that our business partner knows what to do and which solutions that will work for us. Our partner needs to have enough resources.”

Loihde’s security technology services are in use not only at the new hypermarket in Rovaniemi but also at Minimani’s other stores. Loihde has implemented, for example, access control, video surveillance and burglar alarm systems for Minimani in different locations.

“Investments in security systems are long-term solutions. The acquisition of an extensive system can be an investment for the next 20 years. However, the systems need to be able to meet the new needs and challenges of an ever-changing environment”, states Jan-Christian Malmsten, Area Sales Manager, Vaasa Region, at Loihde.

Malmsten has been in charge of the customer relationship with Minimani and praises their progressive approach to digital solutions.

“They understand the possibilities and potential of new technologies and have put them to good use”, Malmsten describes.

The South Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce (Etelä-Pohjanmaan kauppakamari) has previously elected Minimani digital business of the year. According to Haapanen, they see technology as a factor that automates and simplifies practices.

“Complete delivery, high quality, continuity, cooperation and trust. Those are the substantial reasons why we chose Loihde”, Haapanen says as he sums it all up.