Loihde and Pohjois-Suomen Metsämarkkinat Oy use modern data solutions to boost wood procurement
Pohjois-Suomen Metsämarkkinat OY had difficulty seeing the forest from the trees. The company's task is to purchase and market timber from private forests and to act as a broker for forest properties. As you can guess, this task involves a large amount of information and data related to timber logistics. The complex supply chain entailed a lot of routine tasks and manual work. The logger's bookkeeping was no longer enough, as the need to automate operations and real-time monitoring became more pressing.
We built a completely new data storage and management solution for Metsämarket using Microsoft Azure cloud and its Data Factory accelerator. For reporting and automation, we harnessed Power BI and Power Automate tools. After a few months of intensive ramp-up, the system went live. The collaboration will continue as we develop additional features.
It has been a real pleasure to work together on modern solutions that genuinely help the forest market.
Kimmo Kuusipalo, Loihde Advance, Customer Representatative

The solution significantly reduces the amount of manual work in routine tasks through automation. In addition, we get faster information about the activity and are better able to react to it. Cooperation with Loihte has been smooth and will continue.
Mika Säynäjäkangas, Pohjois-Suomen Metsämarkkinat Oy, CEO
It has been a real pleasure to work together on modern solutions that genuinely help the forest market.
Kimmo Kuusipalo, Loihde Advance, Customer Representatative

The solution significantly reduces the amount of manual work in routine tasks through automation. In addition, we get faster information about the activity and are better able to react to it. Cooperation with Loihte has been smooth and will continue.
Mika Säynäjäkangas, Pohjois-Suomen Metsämarkkinat Oy, CEO
It has been a real pleasure to work together on modern solutions that genuinely help the forest market.
Kimmo Kuusipalo, Loihde Advance, Customer Representatative