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C More’s renewal was agile and customer-oriented

MTV subscription channel will be renewed and all content will be transferred to the C More family. The new C More is the first domestic streaming service that operates similar to the internationally recognized services Netflix and HBO.


According to MTV, there is a demand for services that offer domestic streaming content despite the globally recognized streaming service giants.

”Our goal is to increase our digital business, which made us realize that there is a demand for consumer-paid services. The new C More has been positively received and it has gained new subscribers as well,” Tomas Perovuo, MTV Business IT Manager said.


The service design process focused strongly on customer usability and mobile optimization.

”In the spirit of the time, mobile first -thinking was a key part of the service design process. Already half of our viewers are streaming on mobile devices, so obviously, it played a significant role,” explains Solutions Designer Johannes Paarvala from Loihde and UX Designer Juha Vartiainen from Nitor.

”We have received excellent feedback on usability. Customers are saying that the content can be easily found and the navigation is smooth”, boosts Tomas Perovuo from MTV.


Nitor and Loihde have cooperated with MTV for a long time. MTV was therefore familiar with their agile working methods, which made the development process extremely efficient.

”The project ran very smoothly. Our team was immensely committed to the project from day one. Everyone worked very hard and performed with the highest level of professionalism, which is actually what we have learned to expect from this group”, describes Tomas Perovuo.

“The new C More service works on computers, smartphones and tablets. It is compatible with Chromecast among others. MTV’s current online paid content will be updated to the C More family in the beginning of this year. C More will launch its own application for smart TVs later in the spring.” says Juha Syrjälä, Solution Architect from Nitor.

C More offers domestic content, international premium series, movies and sports. Smartphone and tablet applications are available for download from Apple and Google application stores.