
Loihde listautunut First Northiin - Loihde

Written by Admin | 07.10.2021


Trading in Loihde Plc shares commenced today on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland. The company’s short name is LOIHDE and it belongs to Technology sector.

“We are extremely happy that our existing shareholders and potential new investors can now trade the company’s shares in Nasdaq First North Growth Market marketplace. Loihde has a very large ownership base, and listing is a natural step in developing the company and its shareholder value. We want to thank our shareholders for their confidence and continue our uncompromising work to fulfil Loihde’s growth strategy. Loihde’s comprehensive capability to support customers both when it comes to utilising digitalisation and protecting them from security risks meets our customers’ needs well, and we believe it is a powerful success factor when building the future of our company”, says Samu Konttinen, Loihde CEO.

Loihde has appointed Alexander Corporate Finance Oy as its Certified Advisor.