Company Announcements

Loihde Plc's Board of Directors has decided to launch a share-based incentive scheme for the management

Written by Admin | 28.11.2023

The Board of Directors of Loihde Plc has on 28 November 2023 decided to launch a new share-based long-term incentive scheme (LTI 2024) for the Group’s senior management and selected key employees. The last vesting period of the previous incentive scheme for the same target group has started this year. The new scheme will have one three-year vesting period from 2024 to 2026.

A maximum of 29 people are covered by the incentive scheme. The criteria for the payment of the bonus are the EBITDA target set by the Board of Directors for the vesting period and the development of total shareholder return (TSR). The maximum number of shares to possibly be paid as a bonus is 107,600 shares in Loihde Plc. This number of shares represents the gross earning, from which a cash component covering taxes and other possible tax-like charges is deducted and the remaining net amount is paid as shares in Loihde Plc to persons covered by the incentive scheme. Possible bonuses for the vesting period 2024–2026 will be paid in spring 2027. A prerequisite of the bonus under the incentive scheme is that the key employee’s employment relationship has not been terminated or ended by the employee in question or by the company before the end of the vesting period.

The purpose of the share-based long-term incentive scheme is to align the goals of shareholders and key employees to increase Loihde’s value in the long run, to commit key employees to the company and to offer them a competitive incentive scheme based on the earning of company shares.


Loihde Plc
Board of Directors


Further information

CEO Samu Konttinen,
Media contact: Director of Communications Tiina Nieminen, tel. +358 44 411 3480,

Certified Adviser Aktia Alexander Corporate Finance Oy, tel. +358 50 520 4098


Loihde enables business continuity. We help our customers to gain a sustainable competitive edge through data, AI and digitalisation, to harness the potential of the cloud and to protect themselves against both physical and cyber threats. The combining of these skills is what makes Loihde a unique and comprehensive partner. We are nearly 900 skilled professionals, and our revenue in 2022 amounted to EUR 123.0 million.
