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Loihde Plc’s Board of Directors decided on a directed share issue as part of the personnel’s share-based incentive scheme

28.3.2023 14:00:00 EEST | Loihde Oyj | Company Announcement

On 28 March 2023, the Board of Directors of Loihde Plc has resolved on a directed share issue without payment in order to implement a bonus payment for the vesting period that started in 2020 and is part of the share-based incentive scheme for Loihde Group’s personnel. In the share issue, a total of 12,389 new shares in the company are issued without payment to the participants in the share-based incentive scheme.

The share-based incentive scheme 2018‒2023 and its main terms are described on Loihde’s website at The aim of the incentive scheme is to align the interests of Loihde’s employees and shareholders by encouraging the company’s employees to invest in the company’s shares and to commit to working for the company’s goals. A total of 221 persons belonging to the company’s management and personnel will receive the bonus for the 2020 vesting period.

The share issue is based on the authorisation granted to the Board of Directors by the Annual General Meeting held on 25 June 2020. The new shares are intended to be registered with the Trade Register on or about 12 April 2023 and trading in the new shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland, maintained by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, together with the old shares will commence on or about 13 April 2023. As a result of the share issue, the total number of shares in Loihde Plc increases to 5,742,098 shares.


Loihde Plc
Board of Directors


Further information

CEO Samu Konttinen,
media contact  Director of Communications Tiina Nieminen, tel. +358 44 411 3480,

Certified Adviser Alexander Corporate Finance Oy, tel. +358 50 520 4098


Loihde enables business continuity. We help our customers to create growth and competitiveness through digitalisation and to protect themselves from physical and cyber threats. Loihde consists of two business areas: security solutions with the brand Loihde Trust and digital development with the brands Loihde Advance, Loihde Factor and Loihde Cloudon. The Group has approximately 885 employees and its revenue in 2022 amounted to EUR 123.0 million.
