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Loihde Plc will make an additional distribution of assets

On 6 May 2021, Loihde Plc’s Annual General Meeting decided on a conditional additional distribution of assets, in which EUR 0.90 per share would be distributed from the company’s reserve for invested unrestricted equity. The General Meeting decided that the additional distribution of assets is conditional on the company’s shares being listed for trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland (First North), maintained by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, by 31 December 2021.

Trading in company shares on First North has begun on 7 October 2021.

Today, the Board of Directors of Loihde Plc has decided that the record date of the additional distribution of assets is 1 November 2021 and the payment date 9 November 2021. When making the decision the Board of Directors stated that the company has enough distributable assets to be able to execute the additional distribution of assets, and that the distribution of assets does not threaten the company’s solvency.

The additional distribution of assets will be paid to shareholders that are registered in the company’s shareholder register maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy on the record date for the distribution.


Further information

CEO Samu Konttinen

Media contact: Director of Communications Tiina Nieminen, tel. +358 44 411 3480 or

Certified Adviser Alexander Corporate Finance Oy, tel. +358 50 520 4098



Loihde is an expert organisation specialising in digital development and security solutions. We help our customers create growth and competitiveness through digitalisation, while ensuring the security of people and information and the continuity of business. Loihde consists of two business areas: security solutions with the brand Loihde Trust, and digital development with the brands Loihde Advisory, Loihde Analytics and Loihde Factor. The Group has approximately 710 employees and its revenue in 2020 amounted to EUR 106.8 million.
