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Composition of Loihde’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board

Loihde Plc’s (“Loihde”) Annual General Meeting of 6 May 2021 resolved to establish a Shareholders’ Nomination Board and confirmed rules of procedure for the Nomination Board. The Nomination Board will prepare proposals related to the number, election, and remuneration of Board members to Loihde’s General Meeting of shareholders. 

According to the rules of procedure confirmed by the Annual General Meeting, during the first two terms of the Nomination Board the members are nominated as follows: The association Virian pienosakkaat ry is entitled to nominate three members, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd (Tesi) is entitled to nominate one member, LähiTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company and LähiTapiola Mutual Insurance Company (together “LähiTapiola”) together are entitled to nominate one member and Katja Ahola and Janne Tuomikoski together are entitled to nominate one member.  

Following members have been nominated to Loihde’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board 

- Tuulia Holkkola, Matti Kulmakorpi and Christian Wetterstrand appointed by Virian pienosakkaat ry,  
- Jussi Hattula appointed by Tesi, 
- Juha Malm appointed by LähiTapiola, and 
- Juha Koivisto appointed by Katja Ahola and Janne Tuomikoski 

In its organizing meeting on 21 September 2022, the Nomination Board elected Christian Wetterstrand as its Chairman. Timo Kotilainen, Chairman of Loihde's Board of Directors, serves as the Nomination Board's expert member without the right to participate in the decision-making.  


Further information 

Timo Kotilainen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, tel. +358 40 523 6582 


Certified Adviser Aktia Alexander Corporate Finance Oy, tel. +358 50 520 4098 


Loihde is an expert organisation specialising in digital development and security solutions. We help our customers create growth and competitiveness through digitalisation, while ensuring the security of people and information and the continuity of business. Loihde consists of two business areas: security solutions with the brand Loihde Trust, and digital development with the brands Loihde Advisory, Loihde Analytics and Loihde Factor. The Group has approximately 855 employees and its revenue in 2021 amounted to EUR 108.1 million. 
