Capital Markets Day
16 November 2023
Loihde Plc hosted a Capital Markets Day for investors, analysts and media representatives on Thursday, 16 November 2023.
At the Capital Markets Day, Loihde’s CEO Samu Konttinen and other members of Loihde’s management presented the company’s strategy and targets for the period 2024–2027 and gave an in-depth overview of the company’s business areas.
You can view the CMD recording here (in Finnish).
Presentation (in English)
Strategy Update Highlights, CEO Samu Konttinen
Security Solutions, EVP Marko Järvinen
Cyber, Cloud & Connect, EVP Jarno Mäki
Data & AI, EVP Tomi Bergman
Digital Services, EVP Juha Meronen
Delivering Shareholder Value, CFO Pirjo Suhonen
Summary, CEO Samu Konttinen